Monday, February 20, 2012

Remember her name and you will be better off for it

As a bartender in a busy bar I get thousands of guests and I remember most of their names. People are astonished that I remember their name after only meeting them a couple times. I watch guys try to pick up women and they never remember their name. If you meet a strange woman in a bar and have any intention on getting a date or even hooking up for the night, you better know her name. I have found that when you are drinking alcohol things are a little harder to remember, so use this trick and her name will be stuck in your head forever.When you introduce yourself and she tells you her name, use her name immediately in your conversation. Call her by her name every time you address her and it will stick with you. Associate her name with someone you know very well and make sure you use her name over and over again. Once you have done this several times her name will be stuck in your head forever. If you do get her number then ask her how to spell it correctly when putting it in your phone. Knowing her name is pivotal to getting to the next level. Now that you know how to remember her name go to and get a watch that will match your new confidence. Go here to get that watch that will show your new style

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