Thursday, February 2, 2012

Learn to dance or she will find a guy who does

As a bartender I watch as guys come in on dates and have no game at all. I want to start by telling you that you should learn to dance. I know most guys have no idea how to dance or maybe have no desire to make a fool out of themselves. If you don't dance with her you are making a huge mistake. If a girl hears her song don't let her go alone on the dance floor. A lot of women judge how you will be in bed by your moves on the dance floor. Also, other guys are on the dance floor looking for your girl and they will steal her. Dancing is your chance to bump and grind on your date without getting in trouble. It is a free chance to get close and break down any walls she has up. You don't have to be John Travolta on the floor, just give an effort and have fun and she will respond. After you learn to dance go to and get a watch that will compliment your new dance moves.Learn some moves then get your watch

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