Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hey big spender, you're an idiot

I started writing this blog to help people understand what not to do when you are out at a bar or restaurant and I get new material every day. If you are out with a group of people and you want a water at a busy bar don't wave and scream to get my attention. You are not a paying customer! Water is free but when you order a round of waters for you and all your friends you are an idiot. We work for tips and wasting my time to make 6 waters for you and your friends is not a priority. You think you are so cool ordering those waters for all your friends but you are an idiot. A bar is for people who want alcohol. If you have no money then do us all a favor and stay home. Don't be that guy because you will not get any attention when you really need a drink if you order water. If you really want a water then drop a dollar on the bar and I will fill it all night for you. Now that you know what not to do, go to and get a watch that will definitely make you look cool.If you really want water at least get a waterproof watch

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