Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jedi mind trick that works

I am a bartender and I have seen it all. I have a unique trick that does work if you play your cards right. If you are a guy who meets a girl at a bar try  to use the Jedi mind trick on your date. Without being a cocky ahole tell them they are attracted to you in a confident voice and make them believe it. Try to be funny about it by waving your hand in front of their face and saying "you think I am hot". If they do not respond then move on to something else. They obviously have never seen star wars and you are screwed. If they respond then you know they are into your game and you are in. You have to use good timing when doing the Jedi mind trick because if they are not focused on you it is a waste of time. Get her attention first before using this trick because it only works once. I have given you the key to the castle and the rest is up to you. After you go Hans Solo on her be coy about the whole thing and she will respond. Then go to and get a watch that will look like you know what the future holds.Play Hans Solo and get a watch to match your new style

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