Monday, February 27, 2012

Greedy banker leaves 1% tip on $133 lunch tab

Today I got up to find this story from Newport Beach Ca. about a banker who is so proud that he is in the 1% that he only tips 1% if the server does not bow down to his greatness. The banker circled the word tip and wrote the words "get a real job". As a bartender in a upscale bar/restaurant I see the 1% every day and I can tell you that most of them that I deal with are good people who have worked hard to get where they are. But, there are those who think they are above any person who serves them. I have found that people that act like this banker are usually people that have never had to earn anything in their lives. People who were born into money and had the easy road to the top. I am talking about people who never had to be a server at a restaurant to pay for college. It is easy to go to college and cruise through when you have mommy and daddy paying your way. Giving you unlimited money to spend on books, food, rent, car, and all the things that college kids need. Those of us that did not have the money from our parents had to work our asses off to pay the tuition. We came out of college thousands of dollars in debt because of student loans and borrowing just to get by. While you were at the frat house with your buddies, we were working the night shift to pay for everything you received for free. I hate to break it to the 1% but most of us choose to do this job because we have other jobs or businesses. The person serving you may have more money than you. I personally know people that make over 100k in cash every year just by working nights as a server or bartender. While you are going to your 9 to 5 job with the rest of your buddies we are creating new businesses and using our time to work for ourselves so that when we do "get a real job" it will be working for ourselves. When you go to a restaurant or bar you should never assume that the person serving you has less than you do. Some of us own businesses and make a lot of money. I enjoy my job as a bartender and I don't care what the 1% thinks. I have made more connections then you will ever have. I meet very wealthy people every day who give me the connections I need to be successful in whatever I choose to do. Some day soon I am going to walk into your bank and you are going to kiss my ass because you are going to want my business. Unfortunately for you though, I know when someone thinks they are better than me. I know this because I have been reading people for years. I won't use your bank because you are not bowing down to my greatness enough. Then I am going to give you a tip. Treat people with the same respect you would like to be treated with. You may be working for them someday. Don't be a greedy banker, save money on your new watch.


Sam said...
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Anonymous said...

That story is a hoax. It illustrates a good point about leaving a good tip, but it's not fair to judge a group of people for one individuals actions - especially over a phony event. Read more: Story About Greedy Banker Who Left '1%' Tip and 'Get a Real Job' Message Found To Be... Fake

Unknown said...

I have seen the story claiming that it was fake, but I can tell you from personal experience that it does happen every day. On Friday night we had a group of four men tip 1 dollar on a 121 dollar bill. The guy who tipped wrote cash on the tip line and left a dollar bill on the table. This story may have been embellished but it's not that crazy. It does happen to servers and bartenders all the time.