Friday, January 27, 2012

How to approach a woman you don't know

As a bartender I watch guys get shot down every night because their approach is pitiful. I always give this advice to guys who want to talk to women at the bar but really don't know how to break the ice. It's the most simple thing you can do but if you do it correctly she will respond. One thing women like is confidence. Walk up to her and introduce yourself, look her in the eye and shake her hand like you are meeting a man for the first time. If she has any friends make sure you acknowledge them as well. Her friends can help or hurt your chances. A great ice breaker is to ask where she is from. I know it sounds simple but read her body language and if she turns to you and looks at you then you have the opening you need. Engage her friends in the conversation and always make sure you don't talk about yourself too much. Ask her about her work and hobbies but don't pry into her private life. You don't know her well enough to get personal. Try to be witty and make a joke or two and watch as they welcome you to the group. Show your confidence and she will respond, then go to to get a new watch to go with your new game.Get the girl then get a great watch

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