Thursday, January 26, 2012

Compliment her shoes

Guys ask me every day how to meet women and get more dates. I have been bartending for 15 years and I have talked to thousands of women. I know what they are looking for and I know what works. I have watched as guys try the lamest lines that never work. Next time you are at a bar and want to talk to a woman try this little trick. If a woman has beautiful blue eyes don't compliment her on her eyes. She hears that all the time and is tired of it. Compliment her on her shoes. I know this is off the wall and has nothing to do with her physical attributes, but it is different and shows that you are not just looking at her beautiful eyes or any other physical attribute. Women spend a lot of time preparing their outfits and shoes are never noticed by guys. Do this with confidence and she will respond. Then go to and get a watch that she is sure to notice on different, compliment her shoes

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